| Top | Query Overview | API v1.1 Actions | API v2.0 Actions | Sentiment Analysis | Getting Apple Tweets | Data Preprocessing | Generating Sentiment Labels | Sentiments DataFrame | WordClouds | Tweet Length | Saving the DataFrame |
SkillCate AI: Twitter & Tweepy
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |

| Top | Query Overview | API v1.1 Actions | API v2.0 Actions | Sentiment Analysis | Getting Apple Tweets | Data Preprocessing | Generating Sentiment Labels | Sentiments DataFrame | WordClouds | Tweet Length | Saving the DataFrame |
Quick Query Overview
Querying twitter
Looking at results
get_tweets(hashtag, num_tweets)

| Top | Query Overview | API v1.1 Actions | API v2.0 Actions | Sentiment Analysis | Getting Apple Tweets | Data Preprocessing | Generating Sentiment Labels | Sentiments DataFrame | WordClouds | Tweet Length | Saving the DataFrame |
Twitter API v1.1 Authentication
Posting a tweet (Must have upgraded access. Still waiting...)
Pulling data from personal feed (Must have upgraded access. Still waiting...)
Getting your own tweets (Must have upgraded access. Still waiting...)
Getting attributes of tweets
- created_at
- id
- text
Deleting tweets (Must have upgraded access. Still waiting...)
Following an account (Must have upgraded access. Still waiting...)
Unfollowing an account (Must have upgraded access. Still waiting...)

| Top | Query Overview | API v1.1 Actions | API v2.0 Actions | Sentiment Analysis | Getting Apple Tweets | Data Preprocessing | Generating Sentiment Labels | Sentiments DataFrame | WordClouds | Tweet Length | Saving the DataFrame |
Twitter API v2.0 Authentication
- is:retweet <- no retweets
- lang: en <- get tweets in English
- max_results = 10 <- get a maximum of ten results

| Top | Query Overview | API v1.1 Actions | API v2.0 Actions | Sentiment Analysis | Getting Apple Tweets | Data Preprocessing | Generating Sentiment Labels | Sentiments DataFrame | WordClouds | Tweet Length | Saving the DataFrame |
Sentiment Analysis
* TextBlob is a sentiment analysis Python library

NLTK further indicates the degree to which text is postive, neutral, or negative

| Top | Query Overview | API v1.1 Actions | API v2.0 Actions | Sentiment Analysis | Getting Apple Tweets | Data Preprocessing | Generating Sentiment Labels | Sentiments DataFrame | WordClouds | Tweet Length | Saving the DataFrame |
Getting 1,000 Tweets with #apple

| Top | Query Overview | API v1.1 Actions | API v2.0 Actions | Sentiment Analysis | Getting Apple Tweets | Data Preprocessing | Generating Sentiment Labels | Sentiments DataFrame | WordClouds | Tweet Length | Saving the DataFrame |
Preprocessing the Tweets

| Top | Query Overview | API v1.1 Actions | API v2.0 Actions | Sentiment Analysis | Getting Apple Tweets | Data Preprocessing | Generating Sentiment Labels | Sentiments DataFrame | WordClouds | Tweet Length | Saving the DataFrame |
Generating Sentiment Labels
Breaking down the steps for using TextBlob and NLTK
Adding sentiment columns

| Top | Query Overview | API v1.1 Actions | API v2.0 Actions | Sentiment Analysis | Getting Apple Tweets | Data Preprocessing | Generating Sentiment Labels | Sentiments DataFrame | WordClouds | Tweet Length | Saving the DataFrame |
Sentiments DataFrame
Sentiments Donut

| Top | Query Overview | API v1.1 Actions | API v2.0 Actions | Sentiment Analysis | Getting Apple Tweets | Data Preprocessing | Generating Sentiment Labels | Sentiments DataFrame | WordClouds | Tweet Length | Saving the DataFrame |

| Top | Query Overview | API v1.1 Actions | API v2.0 Actions | Sentiment Analysis | Getting Apple Tweets | Data Preprocessing | Generating Sentiment Labels | Sentiments DataFrame | WordClouds | Tweet Length | Saving the DataFrame |
Character and Word Length

| Top | Query Overview | API v1.1 Actions | API v2.0 Actions | Sentiment Analysis | Getting Apple Tweets | Data Preprocessing | Generating Sentiment Labels | Sentiments DataFrame | WordClouds | Tweet Length | Saving the DataFrame |
Saving Tweets DataFrame to CSV